Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Science Is Awesome!

On Saturday I went to an awesome science show.  There were many cool events the professors showed us.  For example, the first act he did was marvelous and spectacular.  For the first act David set his mother’s best china and vase filled with flowers on top of a green table cloth.  He tugged at the table cloth as fast as a wink and pulled it out of the table top.  None of the items that were listed above fell or broke, or even moved.  This happened because David moved the table cloth really fast.  He also did another act where he attached a glass apple to a string and swung it.  David didn’t move an Inch which, so when the glass apple came back toward David, he did not move so the apple did not hit him on the face.  I learned that if you swing an object back and forth it will be very repetitive, because it’ll start at the same point and end at the same point.  Another cool act that Mark did was, he used a vacuum cleaner to suck out all the air out of the garbage can.  The audience waited five minutes before Mark took out the vacuum cleaner or sucker, when a huge BOOM rang through the stadium and scared everyone half to death.  The BOOM rang because the air was sucked out, and without air the garbage basically died, yelling screams of his death.   If air was sucked out of a human, the human would do the same thing, and cry for help.  David was made to lie on a bunch of nails.  There were like 200 or more nails on a board that David lay on.  We were observing whether David would live or die.  He obviously lived.  What I learned from this act was that if you have 200 hundred nails and you way 200, the force will hurt you less because each nail will be a pound.  But if you have ten nails and you way 200, each nail now will way 20 pound which will hurt a whole lot.  Another event that was done was that, David had a few items which he placed in the nitrogen.  When he did so everything turned to ice.  For example he put a banana in the nitrogen, when it came out it was frozen solid.  David hit the banana and it broke into frozen pieces.  Now instead of being a regular banana it was a banana split.  Here I learned what nitrogen and hydrogen was. He also put a balloon into the nitrogen.  Now this was very exciting because I thought the balloon would either pop or turn to ice.  But what happened was that the balloon grew smaller and filled with air again so it flew up.  Another act that I saw was about sound.  He told us high sound was so powerful it could break glass.  Me, being so smart I already knew this.  So when a high pitched sound broke the glass I wasn’t surprised.  Mark also showed us when you put regular coke into a jug full of water the coke will sink.  But if you put diet soda into the same jar it will not sink.  That is because regular coke has corn syrup and diet soda has artificial sugar.  Apparently, Mark said diet soda had rat poison in it, so he basically ruined diet soda.  I will never be drinking it again in case it really has rat poison in it.  Anyway then Mark, added salt to the water and the regular coke came up and started floated like the diet soda.