Wednesday, May 23, 2012

USDA: Healthy food isn't really more expensive

This article was about how healthy food may not be expensive as everyone says it is.  This study is from The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service (or the USDA), which took place on May 17, 2012.  The lead author for the USDA study, Andrea Carlson said that the study that showed that junk food costs less than healthy food may be a bit twisted.  She and her team analyzed 4,439 foods in three ways.  They did this to prove to people that, “there is a range of prices for any type of food you buy. You can find expensive produce and inexpensive produce, as well as expensive and inexpensive junk food.”  Many people use the excuse that healthy food cost too much as a way to escape eating nutritional food.  When the tests were done the results were; the first theory proved Andrea and her team’s theory wrong, but the last two tests proved their hypothesis correct.  Now there is one less excuse for people to use for eating healthy.

I believe that this study is a great way to motivate others to go healthy.  Many people will read this article and think, “hey, if fruits and vegetables are cheaper, might as well buy that!” I believe by doing this research we are a step up to going healthy.  On the other hand, I think that telling people nutritional food is cheaper than junk food won’t do any good because then many other excuses will be made up.  I think that people should be motivated to keep a healthy body, and that’s what will make them eat healthy, motivation.  I also really admire how people are going through such drastic measures to keep their fellow citizen Americans (or anyone who lives in America) healthy, and this should make others care about their own health.  I hope one day Americans will realize that eating healthy is very important, and by making them aware by posting articles like this one, will help tremendously!,r:2,s:0,i:145&biw=1192&bih=543

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


                                Plate Icon To Guide Americans To Healthier Eating
                This article is about how the American icon for healthy eating has changed from My Pyramid to My Plate.  The USDA has introduced the My Plate because they thought My Pyramid was too complicated and they wanted the icon o be simple, so American’s could follow it.  The USDA also wants to show Americans (especially children) how important it is to eat a healthy meal.  The My Plate consists of fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy on the side.  This change was made during June 2, 2011.  Many people in America are either overweight or obese and the USDA want to show Americans how quickly and easily you can eat a healthy meal.  Their goal for the My Plate “is to simplify nutritional information.”  
                I believe that the My Plate will really make a significant impact compared to My Pyramid.  The My Plate is so much easier to follow.  For example, if you are about to make your dinner you could just look at the My Plate and know how much of each serving size to add to your plate.  On the other hand, though the My Plate may make a significant impact on problems such as obesity and overweight it will not get rid of these problems.  I believe people need motivation to resolve issues like these.  I also think that by changing a picture or an icon shouldn’t be such a big deal and it definitely isn’t that magic potion that will change American people’s health problems.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Child Cancer Patient Deals With Drug Shortage!

This article is about a twelve year old boy name Owen McMasters. Owen McMaster is diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.  He has been going through different phases of chemotherapy.  His doctor is very shocked at how well he is improving and thinks he has a good chance of being cured, only if he takes all his treatments, which last for three and a half years.  Owen’s next phase of chemotherapy is high dose of Methotrexate.  Now this is a problem because for the last two years companies have stopped making Methotrexate.  Kids like Owen that need this drug in order to be cured of their cancer, won’t be able to recover because companies have stopped selling Methotrexate.  But the FDA has said that Methotrexate will be available for now, but this is not the permanent answer.  Methotrexate can go out of stock again.

            I feel that people should do something about this matter.  If these companies don’t start making more of Methotrexate many kids will die.  These kids are so innocent and need their medicine in order to recover from the cancer they are diagnosed with.  They will die for no reason, and that is really pathetic.  What if these kids that die could have been America’s future president, or Steve Job or the next guy that finds a cure for a disease? People need to start coming out of their comfort zone and help kids in need.  What if these drugs are cheap and not making as much money as other drugs? Wouldn’t you rather save a life then make money that you probably already have tons of?  We need to stop being selfish and care about others; together we can all make a change for these kids!,r:1,s:11

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

States of Matter

We did four labs in science. These labs were very similar and their goal was to teach us more about physical and chemical changes as well as describe the physical and chemical properties of a substance. The four labs we did were; “Observing Changes in Matter,” “Observing a Candle,” “Pouring a Gas,” and “Marshmallow Fun.” To begin with, “Observing Change in Matter” showed many examples of physical and chemical changes. First, we observed the physical properties of the sugar cube. The sugar cube was; small, white, cube shaped, hard, bumpy, and it tasted sweet. Next, we grinded the sugar cube with the pestle and that was a physical change. It was a physical change because the appearance changed of the substance but its composition or identity did not change. Another physical change that occurred in this lab was that we mixed the grinded sugar with water. This was a physical change. When we lit the sugar over the Bunsen burner, the sugar was mixed into water and carbon. The water evaporated into the air, and a new substance was left, carbon. This was an example of chemical change. A chemical change is when a substance is changed into one or more new substances. Next, “Observing a Candle,” lab had a chemical change in it; we also had to observe the physical and chemical properties. The chemical change that happened in this lab was that the candle burned, which is an example of chemical change. Two physical properties displayed after the candle was lit were that the candle melted and its stem grew longer. A chemical property that was shown after the candle was lit was that the candle burned. Next, “Pouring a Gas,” lab also displayed a chemical change. When my group and I mixed vinegar and baking soda together we formed a new substance call carbon dioxide. This was one of the chemical changes that occurred. Next, we poured the carbon dioxide over the lit candle. The flames went out because carbon dioxide does not support burning. When the flames were blown out they were turned into gas. This happened because the oxygen was diminished so the flame couldn’t survive. This was another chemical change. Lastly “Marshmallow Fun,” lab displayed both a chemical and physical change. The first part of the lab was a physical change. The lab said to rip our small marshmallow in half. This was a physical change because the appearance of the substance changed but its identity did not change. When the marshmallow was ripped it was still a marshmallow but it just looked different, it was in two pieces rather than one. Next, when we burned the marshmallow over the Bunsen burner that was an example of a chemical change. This was an example of chemical change because a char was formed on the marshmallow. The physical properties also changed because the marshmallow tasted sweet and burnt, it was mushy, charred and looked black. Through all these labs I have learned many new things. First, I have learned how to differentiate between a physical and a chemical change. A physical change is when the appearance of a substance changes but its identity does not change. A chemical change occurs when a substance is changed into one or more new substances. I also learned that physical and chemical changes can occur every day. For example, a physical change is cutting paper in to two halves and an example of chemical change is roasting a marshmallow. Next, I learned how to describe the physical and chemical properties of a substance. As you can see, I have learned a lot from these labs, and they will help me in the future when I become something to help this world.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Separating Mixtures

1. Use your hand to remove the fake fly and put it on the tray.
2. Use your hand to scoop out the toothpicks and put them on the tray.
3. Use the spoon to scoop out the beans and put them on the tray.
4. Use the spoon to scoop out the sand and put it on the tray.
5. Use the magnet to attract the iron filing and put it on the tray.
6. Take the funnel and place it upside down on the graduated beaker. Next, pour the water that was left in the cup, through the funnel and into the graduated beaker.
7. Next, put the graduated beaker on the hot plate. Plug on the hot plate by plugging the plug into the socket.
8. Next, wait until the water has evaporated, exposing salt in the water.
9. Use the tongs take the graduated beaker off the hot plate and place it on the tray. Next, unplug the hot plate.
10. Lastly, clean up your area!

These are the items that should be found for the lab
-fake fly
-iron filing

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


My favorite show is Phineas and Ferb. The episode I watched was called Unfair Science Fair. This had a lot to do with science. As you can see from the title that this episode was about a science fair. In this episode Biljeet's summer teacher says that he got an A- on a project for the science fair. Biljeet gets all emotional and says that he is a failure. He told his teacher that he was building a portal to Mars. In reply his teacher says that unless it dosen't work he will get an A-. So Phineas and Ferb help Biljeet make this portal to Mars, and in the end it works. Building a portal to Mars is all science. On the other hand we have Doofensmirtz who makes the biggest baking soda volcano. He was mad and ticked off beacuse every time he entered the sciencefair the first prize ribbon was given to a person who made a baking soda volcano. Baking soda volcano is classifeied under chemistry. As you can see this episode talked a lot about science!!!