Monday, January 31, 2011

The Heart!!! 1/30/11


The heart is a very important organ in your body.  Though I didn’t read an article I still learned various facts.  For instance, people who study the heart are called Cardiologists.  Did you know that that the heart is made up of four chambers; the left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle?  After reading this article of the heart, I finally learned more about this unique organ, I revealed the mysteries and secrets of THE HEART!  Heart attacks can cause scar tissue to form amongst normal heart tissue; this then can lead to further heart problems or even heart failure (cited in the interesting facts linked).  Ever wondered why you have veins, well you’ve got veins because the veins carry blood to your hearts.  There are different veins that go through different passageways.  I believe the previous article I read though was more interesting than the heart.  I believe the eyes have more mysteries than the heart, which makes the eyes more interesting.  There are also 4 valves in the human heart this is so that the blood goes only 1 way either in or out.  Did you also know that an electrocardiogram (ECG) is a machine that checks the electricity going through the patient’s heart?  If the machines lines are flat that means the person is dead and if it spikes up and down the person’s alive.    

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