Sunday, December 18, 2011

Frog Dissection!

The frog digestion was the coolest dissection I had to do.  The worm was just plain boring and disgusting, and the owl pellet just didn’t make any sense to me.  The frog though is the most unique amphibian there is.  Anyway, I can’t believe that frogs have so many organs that humans have.  Whenever I used to look at a frog I would think, ewww that’s the grossest creature I will ever see on the planet.  (Though the main reason I thought they were disgusting was because I was scared of them.  That’s a secret! Don’t tell anyone, got it!)  But I guess I can’t be scared of them anymore, you know because I dissected them.  They seemed like harmless creatures, but you never know. 

We had a female frog.  Gosh, did she have so many eggs.  It took us a whole class time plus half of another class time to take them out.  If you saw our frog after our dissection, you would think that she has a demented liver, but that was just Palavi’s expert cutting.  Anyhow, our frog seemed so weird.  It looked like she was made out of glass, now that was really scary but cool. I learned so much from this frog digestion, though I think I failed the quiz, but that’s beside the point.  Did you know that frogs can really smell?  Well at first I thought everyone was joking about them stinking, but you know what, frogs can really have a bad stench.  We named out frog OmarieImranieJoshieAmanie.  Don’t you love our frogs’ name? I bet our frog’s name was so original that no one names their frog OmarieImranieJoshieAmanie.  Yeah I thought so.  So, well I guess that’s as much as the cool things I saw and you heard.  Well I hope my blog wasn’t BORING!

If you want to learn more about the frog, go to this website for more information!!!! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

As I was not there on the first day of the lab I can only talk about the second day when I was present for the lab.  We had four test tubes labled from A-D.  On the second day for the egg white appearance test tube A  through C had no reaction but test tube D started to disintegrate.  For litmus color test tubes A and B had no reaction, while test tube C and made the paper turn pink and test tube D made the paper wet.  This lab shows how the digestion system in our stomach works.  The digestive system is very slow.  This lab showed the digestion system because our digestive system has enzymes and acids and it braks down food.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Chicken Wing

On Thursday our science class dissected a chicken wing.  We learned the diffrent parts in a chicken wing, what color they are how they feel, etc.  My favorite part of the chicken wing were the tendons.  The tendons were shiny and white.  The tendons were at the end of the muscles that attached the muscles to the bones.  It was sooooo cool when our science teacher pulled on the tendon and the bones moved.  I thought it was freaky but also cool.  The part that I thought was disgusting was the fat.  The fat was yellow, and it was under the skin.  EEEWWWW!  The reason we did this lab was so we could see how human's arm work.  Other terms we learned were; Cartilage, Ligament, Muscle, and Skin.  Not only did we learn these terms but we also learned what color they were,the texture it had etc.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Diffusion Lab

Today in science class I learned new words such as diffusion and osmosis.  I also learned that if you put a bag of starch mixed with water into a beaker filled with water and iodine the bag of starch and water turns purple after 15 minutes.  In the beginning when we put the baggie into the water/idoine the water was orange but grudually changed color.  From this lab i learned an intresting fact, that molecules don't like to be crammed togather they want to move around freely.  An example Mrs. Rousseau gave was that if she put all of Omega and Chi in the science room everyone will be crammed together.  When she opens the room people will start to drift out, this is the same with molecules.  I also learned that the plastic bag was permeable to iodine since that was what the lab thought us.  

Friday, May 20, 2011

Prevention: Coffee Lowers Risk of Prostate Cancer, Harvard Study Says

A new result has shown that if people drink coffee they're less likely to have prostate cancer.  Harvard students did research on how much people drink coffee.  They found out that people who drink 6 or more cups of coffee have a 20% less chance of having prostate cancer.  Heavy coffee drinkers were 60% less likely to get lethal form of the disease than the non-coffee drinkers.  This study did not measure how much caffeine is put in the coffee or whether it is not caffeinated, rather the cups drank.  By drinking coffee you also have a lower risk of getting Type 2 Diabetes.  This study isn’t telling people to go crazy with drinking coffee, rather just drink it 3 to 4 time a day, or more just not crazy like 30 cups.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Why Do I Get Acne!!!!

I have acne and I try every possible way to get rid of them.  I never really understood why teenagers got pimples, but by reading this article I’ve finally cracked the code.  Anyway, I learned a few tips to keep my skin healthy, and to have fewer pimples.  For example, I learned to watch my face often, not just twice a day.  My cousin told me to wash my face with cold water, but according to this article I should wash my face with warm water.  I also learned a few more terms from this article like, sebum, which is oil that lubricates your hair and skin.  Another term I learned is sebaceous glands which are also called oil glands.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Rocket Lab

My partner, Palavi and I conducted an experiment in the rocket lab.  We learned a lot about gravitational potential energy and elastic potential energy.  Gravitational potential energy is the energy stored in an object as the result of its straight up position or height. The energy is stored as the outcome of the gravitational pull of the Earth for the object.  Elastic potential energy is the energy stored in the rubber band as the result of its stretching.  For example, when we stretched the rubber band two centimeters, (elastic potential energy), the height that the straw shot in the air was fourteen meters.  So to find the gravitational potential energy we used the formula mass x Gravitational acceleration x height.  We plugged in the numbers for the formula 2 kilo grams; being the weight of the straw, 9.81; the gravitational acceleration and 14 meters; being the height.  Al together the G.P.E was 28 millijoules.  The more elastic potential energy you have, the more gravitational potential energy you’ll have.  For example, when Palavi and I stretched the rubber band to 3 centimeter, the height was 32.3 meters high and the gravitational potential energy was 64.6 millijoules.    
                Palavi and I probably measured the height of our rocket wrong.  Because, when we stretched the rubber band back to 2 centimeters we got a height of 14 inches.  But when we stretched the rubber band back to 3 centimeters we got a height of 32.3 millijoules.  Palavi and I most likely measured the height of the rocket wrong.  To fix this problem we could start this lab over and accurately measure the height of the rocket once more.  Making sure our data is as authentic and realistic as possible.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Case Study 3 Trisomy 13

98 pizza way Dasani, Florida 52986
Denise and Mark Close
123 Harry Potter Rules drive
Cup holder, Florida 52903

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Close,
Dr. D and I have examined your child’s karyotype very closely.   Karyotype is a test we use to check your child’s abnormalities.  To do this test we line the baby’s chromosome and examine the chromosomes.  We check for diseases, and by doing this test we are able to determine the sex of the baby.  In this case Mr. and Mrs. Close I’m pleased to announce that Mrs. Close will be delivering a girl.  While we were determining the karyotype we found that your daughter has an extra copy 13 chromosome.
Having an extra copy of chromosome 13 is a rare disease called Trisomy 13 or Patau Syndrome.  Trisomy 13 is usually due to an egg cell, or, rarely a sperm cell which is formed containing one copy of each chromosome but an extra copy of chromosome 13.  Now rather the baby having 23 pairs of chromosome she has 24 pairs.  Once that egg is combined with the sperm which contains 23 chromosomes, the baby gets 47 chromosomes in the cell of their body rather than the usual 46.  Patau Sndrome also is more common is women who are pregnant at an age over 35.  Trisomy 13 can also occur if you have a family history of Patau Syndrome.  There are many physical defects because of Patau Syndrome.  A few of these defects are; Holoprosencephaly, polydactyly, flexion of the fingers, rocker-bottom feet, facial clefting, neutral tube defects, and heart defects.  These disorders are naturally long term affects.
There is no treatment for Trisomy 13 except for polydactyly, which is cured by surgery.  Sadly, if a child has Patau Syndrome she’ll pass away in fewer than three days.  The only thing you can offer your child is comfort and stay with her as long as you can.
As I said before if you have a history of Trisomy 13 you’ll have a higher risk of producing a Patau Syndrome.  Also if you’re over 35 years old and have a child you also have a higher risk of delivering a child with Trisomy 13.  Trisomy 13 is a very rare disease.  It occurs in about 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 12,000 in babies and usually common in baby girls.  I’m sorry to say if you were to have another child it’s a 50, 50 chance that the next child would be diseases with Patau Syndrome.
I’m sure you’ll spend time with your new daughter for as long as you can.  And I’m a 100% sure that your daughter will bring happiness and joy to your life as long as she’s alive.  Mr. and Mrs. Close I’m sure and positive you and your daughter will be a great family for as long as she survives.
Sincerly yours,
Doctor Irfan

Works Cited
"Trisomy 13." Genetics Home Reference. HONcode standard, 20/03/2011. Web. 23 Mar 2011. <>.
"Trisomy 13- Patau Syndrome." Centre for Genetics Education. Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, 02/06/2007. Web. 23 Mar 2011. <>.
"Print this page ." Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital. Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health , 2011. Web. 23 Mar 2011. <>.  

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mocking Birds

Mocking birds can sing.
They are more precious than a ring.
Mocking Birds make you feel happy.
You can be certain they will never make you feel sappy.
They are music to your ears,
while you hear.
You know Mocking birds are treasures,
every time you need pleasure.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tooth Pick Fish

Examining alleles of fishes can be very important when they are able to adapt to their surroundings by camouflage.  To begin off the first generation in the gene pool contained of two heterozygous pairs of green and red fish, two homozygous pairs of yellow fish, one homozygous red, four orange, and three homozygous green fish.  When all these fish mated they produced offspring equaling to 58.3% green, 16.6% red, 16.6% yellow, and 8.3% orange.  Since the yellow fish could not adapt to the gene pool, they died going in the morgue, which decreased the population by 16.6%.  During the second generation of offspring there were 50% green, 20% red, 0% yellow, and 30% orange.  Then during the third generation the total color of offspring was 60% green, 20% red, 10% yellow, and 10% orange.  And lastly, the fourth generation contained of 55.5% green fish, 33.3% red fish, 0 yellow fish and lastly 11.1% orange fish.  As you can see all the colored fishes have decreased except for the green fish.  This happened because the green fish was dominant making its population increase.
During the fourth generation a huge disaster occurred.  Humans started littering the gene pool, causing the seaweed and algae to turn different colors.  Now that the seaweed and algae have changed colors the green fish are easily able to be seen and eaten by their predators, while on the other hand the red, yellow, and orange fish are able to camouflage by sand and rocks.  Now the only survivors are red fish and yellow fish.  There are 11.1% orange fish and 33.3% red fish remaining.  This disaster shows that by humans polluting the earth they can cause the dead of many organisms.  If the environment changed in any way, it could change the way fish live, by the fish adapting to the environment.  For example, if the littering human did to the gene pool destroyed seaweed and killed algae many fish could die including the green fish.  As you can see many fish adapt and survive by camouflaging while others easily spotted by their predators.   

Monday, January 31, 2011

The Heart!!! 1/30/11


The heart is a very important organ in your body.  Though I didn’t read an article I still learned various facts.  For instance, people who study the heart are called Cardiologists.  Did you know that that the heart is made up of four chambers; the left atrium, right atrium, left ventricle and right ventricle?  After reading this article of the heart, I finally learned more about this unique organ, I revealed the mysteries and secrets of THE HEART!  Heart attacks can cause scar tissue to form amongst normal heart tissue; this then can lead to further heart problems or even heart failure (cited in the interesting facts linked).  Ever wondered why you have veins, well you’ve got veins because the veins carry blood to your hearts.  There are different veins that go through different passageways.  I believe the previous article I read though was more interesting than the heart.  I believe the eyes have more mysteries than the heart, which makes the eyes more interesting.  There are also 4 valves in the human heart this is so that the blood goes only 1 way either in or out.  Did you also know that an electrocardiogram (ECG) is a machine that checks the electricity going through the patient’s heart?  If the machines lines are flat that means the person is dead and if it spikes up and down the person’s alive.    

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Eyes Are Amazing!!!

I never knew eyes could be so important.  Sure eyes are the key to your surrounding and without them your life would be pitch black.  After reading this article my perspective on eyes has clearly changed.  For a fact I never knew crying cleaned your eyes.  Maybe I should cry more often, you know for medical reasons maybe my glasses will be taken off that way.  I also learned that when the eye first sees an object it’s an upside down picture.  Then the brain corrects it forming it the right way.  I really think that’s cool.  That means the eye does this in less than a second, because we look at objects every day, every time.  The article also explains that there’s tear glands in your eyes that flow through a tube that’s connected to your nose that’s why when you cry your nose runs.  Wow I really think that’s the best fact I’ve learned.  Maybe that’s why I want to become a pediatrician so badly, the body is very interesting.  This article also mentions that people cut up cows eyes and that their eyes are similar to ours.  Weird!!! Are we going to cut up poor cows eyes????? That would be gross.  Eyes are a really important for our everyday life.